Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Diversity and Human Resource Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Diversity and Human Resource - Essay Example The challenge to remain competitive in the current global markets has forced many organizations to change their views on managing the diversity of their workforce. Not only is the diversification of the workforce unavoidable but it has also become essential to tap into the competitive market of talent in the world today for any organization to remain competitive. (Cross, 1994, 110-114) The main reason why diversity should be seen as different function rather than part of human resource is because The definition of diversity among people can be generally defined as the differences between people, physical and psychological. This includes all demographic and cultural differences like age, gender, race, culture, religion, ethnicity, disabilities, personal beliefs, family structure and lifestyle, paying little attention to work skills. (Morrison, 1992, 42-48) This is however not in any way comprehensive, as diversity among people is practically limitless and is constantly evolving with time and the global environment. Outstanding differences are obvious like race and age but some can be difficult to identify especially perceived differences, which vary based on experiences and relationships like lifestyle and personality. (Ellis, 1994, 79-110) Valuing diversity is an important element in organisations today and managing diversity is vital for success. ... Why is diversity becoming an important issue Previously, the diversity of an organization's workforce has mainly been due to legal compliance as in many countries, there are laws against discrimination. However, globalization of the world markets including the employment market is causing dramatic change in the way businesses are run. (Ellis, 1994, 79-110) Globalizations means new open markets with new customers which requires products or services that are suited for these markets. It also means new type of employment market which is extremely diverse. Limiting factors like geography are becoming less an issue as technology advances in travel and communication makes the world increasingly accessible. Diversity is becoming an unavoidable issue that must be addressed if the organization is to successfully adapt to these changes. Organizational goals of diversity today include creation of positive organizational culture and deriving economic value from diversity (Hellriegel 1999 ). In recent years, the field of Human Resource Management has moved to consider not only micro but also macro relationships. The micro focus, evolving from industrial psychology, emphasized human resource policies and their influence on individuals. This focus was concerned exclusively with such outcomes as job satisfaction and employee participation. The macro focus shifts the level of analysis from the individual to the organization. Diversity Orientation: Configurational View Diversity becomes significant organizational objective and diversity management becomes particularly salient because of the natural tendency toward homogeneity in

Monday, February 3, 2020

Formulation of Strategy and Its Effects on Organizational Structure Essay

Formulation of Strategy and Its Effects on Organizational Structure - Essay Example If the strategy is effective, it would result in an efficient organizational structure and the organization would be able to achieve its goals successfully. Therefore, the following discussion takes into account the fact that the formulation of strategy takes precedence over the determination of structure of the organization. FORMULATION OF STRATEGY Formulation of strategy is highly important for the success of an organization. If an organization puts the right effort in the process of formulation of strategy, it would be able to design an effective strategy and thus the organization would reap long term benefits on the basis of that strategy. According to Lamb (1984), strategic management is a continuous process that controls and evaluates the business undertaken by the organization, evaluates the potential of its competitors of the organization, and it specifies goals and strategies for the organization in order to enable it to face the threats posed by the competitors, and then re -evaluates the efficiency and effectiveness of the strategy on a periodic basis. Strategic management also assumes the responsibility of determining whether the strategy requires any modification due the change in the external environment of the entity. The initial stage of strategy formulation is the determination of a mission statement for the organization. ... zation conducts an internal and external analysis of the entity in order to assess the threats posed to the organization by its environment and the opportunities that the organization possesses. One of such analyses is known as SWOT analysis which considers the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the organization. SWOT analysis is used to assess the effectiveness of an already implemented strategy as well (Armstrong et al 2009). This analysis is highly important for the strategic core of an organization as it provides critical information regarding the environment in which the organization operates. By having such information, the management would be able to design such competitive strategy that would help the organization survive in the industry amidst the competition posed by its competitors. Internal analysis of an organization includes the evaluation of the resources possessed by the organization and the internal processes of an organization. The management evalua tes the resources possessed by the organization as compared to other organizations in the industry. If the organization possesses a resource that is available to that and that organization only, it can be given the status of the competitive advantage of the organization. Competitive advantage of an organization is a resource or a quality acquired by an organization that helps it survive in the industry notwithstanding the size and potential of its competitors. If the competitive advantage of an organization is identified, the strategic core of the organization can design the strategy in such a manner that it capitalizes over the potential of the organization’s competitive advantage. Competitive advantage of an organization may be the distinct quality of its products, a technology